Monday, September 15, 2008

Getting the Most Out of Your Inkjet

A friend and reader of this blog gave me this great idea for saving ink when printing out things on your inkjet printer that don't necessarily need to be at photo quality. She uses the draft black & white mode for printing things like online shopping receipts, boarding passes, etc., essentially anything that doesn't need to be in color. I like this idea! I'll be using it lots, I am sure, especially for those things that I mentioned in a previous post that I print on the backside of previously used paper.

She also had a question, which I will post to all of you to see if you have an answer (because I don't). She wanted to know if there's a good source for getting refills of your inkjet cartridges. I used to go to Island Inkjet (when they had a location in my mall) when I had a Lexmark printer and the refills worked just great. However, my HP 3-in-one machine is very particular about what ink you use. I tried a refilled cartridge once, and it gave me a warning error that I had to clear for each page of a print job. I didn't even use up the entire cartridge!

So, if anyone can give some advice on reliable sources of refills for inkjet cartridges, give a shout and I will post them here.