Thursday, September 25, 2008

Things I Only Buy On Sale, Part 1

There are certain things that I only buy when they are on sale. Here's some of the grocery items that are only on my list when there are deals to be had:
  • Soda—has to be at least half-price. I've cut down on buying soda in general; my hubby and I have decided that even diet sodas are bad for watching weight, and I keep a little bit of root beer on hand for an occasional treat for the boys.
  • Breakfast cereal—$1/box or less. Cereal goes on sale here frequently, thankfully.
  • Butter and margarine—both of these freeze wonderfully (Imperial margarine seems to freeze the best). I have two entire rows in the door of my freezer of nothing but butter and margarine. I can't remember the last time I paid full price for it.
  • Granola bars and fruit snacks—another category that I won't buy unless I can get it for at least half price.
  • Ice cream—Safeway puts their Select brand on all the time. I don't bother with the national brands anymore, as they have really shrunk their carton sizes lately.
  • Dishwasher detergent—anyone who has read about my grocery deals lately know that I have been scoring some great deals on diswasher detergent.

I'd love to hear some of the things you only buy on sale, and how often those deals tend to come up. In a future post, I plan to list some of the non-grocery items I only buy when they are on sale.