I should have titled this post "The Grocery Deal that Got Away," or "Why We Should ALWAYS Cut Those Coupons."
In the Albertson's list for this week, the Grocery Game had Suave shampoo and conditioner listed. Using a Fred Meyer coupon (Alby's takes competitors' coupons), they were 79 cents each, limit 4. The GG list said to use the coupon that was $1.50 off 2 that came in the Red Plum insert on September 21. So, I eagerly thumbed through my coupon file (I really ought to take a picture of it someday), only to come up empty. I had not cut those coupons back on September 21, probably because I knew that I had probably a dozen or more bottles of Suave shampoo and conditioner in my bathroom storage. BUT, because I didn't have the coupons (actually, I had one Catalina [cash register receipt] coupon for 75 cents off), I missed getting 4 bottles for 4 CENTS each. Now, I don't care how much shampoo and conditioner I have stacked up around the house, if I can get shampoo/conditioner for 4 cents, I'm gonna want to get it.
But, alas, I could only get one at 4 cents. I did buy the other 3 at 79 cents, because that was still better than 50% off.
So, the moral of the story--and I say this for my benefit as much (or more) than for anyone else--ALWAYS cut the coupons of the products you buy. It doesn't matter how many coupons you have crammed in your organizer. It doesn't matter how much of the product(s) you already have stockpiled, the worst thing you can do while shopping to increase your stockpile is to not have the coupons that you need. Let this be a cautionary tale unto you!