Monday, March 30, 2009

Homemade Laundry Soap

New reader "A" (welcome to the blog!) makes her own laundry soap--so cool! Here's her recipe:

1 bar (3 cups) Zote soap (or Fels Naptha)
1 1/2 c. Washing Soda (not can find it at grocery stores usually)
1 1/2 c. Borax (cheapest at Target here)

Just put all that in a food processor and chop until fine. Use 1T for small/light load, 2T for large/soiled (boy) loads. It's roughly 3 cents per load.

Man, I wish I could try it out! I have one of those dreadful "high efficiency" washers that you have to use the special "HE" soap for. Never again will I have a HE washer. I find it terribly inefficient to have to hand-scrub each stain with a toothbrush and full-strength laundry soap before washing, and then still having to re-treat the stain and re-wash it. Tell me, just what his "highly efficient" about that?