Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just Walk on By

Yesterday, I went to the mall for a haircut (the first in about 3 months). The salon was having a special for anyone who could prove their unemployment, offering 1/2 price haircuts. Woo hoo! I made sure to tip my stylist (who is amazing) based on what the full price of the haircut was, though.

After the cut, I was wandering the mall and looked in the window of Dress Barn, one of my favorite stores. There were so many cute tops in the window, I literally had to stop and tell myself not to go into the store, that I had more than enough summer tops in my closet, especially for just kicking around the house and the pool, like I will be doing this summer.

When I was working, even though I prided myself on always shopping the clearance rack or the sales, I never really hesitated if I saw something cute on sale. I would get it, and rationalize it by telling myself what a great deal I got and how well it would go with everything else in my wardrobe. But, the reality is, most of what I bought is now hanging in my closet, unworn.

The frugal moral of this story is to just walk on by when you are attracted by a store window display, unless you really have a legitimate need.