Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Comcast Followup

A few weeks ago, I blogged about the nightmare we had when our first Comcast bill came after we switched to digital cable and also switched to their phone service. Both my hubby and I called and ranted about different things, and both service reps gave us various credits on our bill to try to appease us. Well, we've now received 2 bills since that first one that sent us over the edge, and we still have credit. I think it is down to $2.63 credit, so we will actually have to pay something next month. I'll be curious to see how much it really is going to be. I may have to call and complain again about something (it won't be hard).

This is a recurring theme in this blog, but it bears repeating: The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease. If you are unhappy about something for which you are paying, complain. At the very least, you can blow off some steam and get it off your chest, but more often than not, you'll get something.