Friday, September 4, 2009

Back to Work!

After six months (to the day!) of unemployment, I find myself once again in the workforce. In those six months, I had exactly ONE job interview. One. Proof that one is all it takes. I prayed for those entire six months that the right job would come along at the right time.

That said, though, my new job is for 9 hours a week less and makes about $7/hour less than my old job, and I work 180 days a year instead of 208. That will make our finances interesting, to say the least. So, why'd I take it?
  1. The job is in the school district my children attend, so I will have the same vacation and holiday schedule. This was truly my #1 reason, as I only have 2 years with my eldest child and 5 years with my youngest before they fly the nest and I want to be able to spend more time with them.
  2. When there's snow days, I don't have to go to work. ('nuff said.)
  3. I am off work before the boys get home from school every afternoon.
  4. The commute is 7 minutes. On foot. I will save money on gas and wear and tear on my vehicle, while getting some much needed exercise and daylight (I have seasonal affective disorder, and studies have shown that as little as 20 minutes per day outdoors, even under the cloudiest skies, helps).
  5. I get to stay current on trends in technology, and am getting back into a field that actually will help me expand my resume. There is a career path within the district that I can follow as well. My last job was a dead-end job in a field which is essentially dying. No one needs professional, dedicated word processing services anymore. I will be that much more marketable in the future (hopefully well down the road from now) when I am searching for a new job.

These are just the top reasons why I took this new job. Now, the real trick comes in figuring out our budget. I figure I will make less per month at this job than I received in unemployment benefits the past 6 months. But, as a woman of faith, I believe that this is where I am supposed to be at this stage in my life. It is right for me and my family. I believe that I was led to this job and that because I am doing what is in the best interest of my family, all our needs will somehow be met, despite the reduction in income.