Morty himself is another story in frugality. While he was the most expensive gecko at the store ($49), he was the only gecko there that does not require live crickets for meals. The small bottle of crested gecko diet mix in the lower left corner of the picture will make enough "gecko mush" to feed the Morstser for about 4 months, and cost us $8, saving both the $2 per batch of crickets and the time running back and forth to Petco every other day.
My 8th grader needed a Texas Instruments graphing calculator for school. They run about $99 in the store, or close to $110 after our lovely 9.5% sales tax. I found this gently used one on eBay (it has the name of a previous owner engraved on the back) for $65, which included free shipping.
What are some of your most recent secondhand finds? Where do you find them?
What are some of your most recent secondhand finds? Where do you find them?