Saturday, July 12, 2008

B.Y.O.S.--and save!

I like to have a diet soda with my lunch at work. The vending machine in my office sells sodas for 50 cents a piece, which for a vending machine price is pretty good (I happen to know we buy all our own soda from Costco). However, I can do better by bringing my own soda from home.

I only buy soda when it is on sale, and try to get it well below 50 percent off. For the purpose of this post, I have figured that I can generally get a 12-can case of soda for right around $2.30, or about 20 cents per can. I bring the entire 12-pack to work, stick it under my desk, and pour myself a nice soda on the rocks (using my Tupperware tumbler and ice from the icemaker). Over the course of a year, assuming a savings of 30 cents per can, I save $56.40 (3o cents a day/4 days per week/47 weeks per year). That's more than enough for a pedicure, though not quite enough to fill up the gas tank on the Sienna!

So, BYOS (bring your own soda) and save!