LG Customer Interactive Center
P.O. Box 240007
201 James Record Road
Huntsville, AL 35824
To whom it may concern:
I am the very unhappy owner of a LG Washing Machine, Model WM2016CW, and a LG Electric Clothes Dryer, Model DLE2516W. I purchased these appliances new from Sears in May 2007. Together, I paid more than $2,000 for these appliances. I know they are out of their usual warranty period, but I am compelled to write and tell you how extremely dissatisfied I am with their performance, especially the performance of the washing machine. The longer I use these appliances, the more dissatisfied I become. I hate them! Never again will I purchase a front-loading washing machine.
My primary complaint is with the inability of the washing machine to get clothing clean. Not only are stains usually not removed on the first washing (even if they have been pretreated), it often takes pretreating and washing as many as three times in order for the stain to be removed. In many cases, when I have failed to pretreat a stain, it is transferred to other clothing in the same wash load. Washing on a higher soil setting, or using the Water Plus feature has very little to no effect. I find it to be highly inefficient—both in terms of my time and the electricity, water, and detergent—to have to wash clothing two to three times in order to get clothing clean. It is a waste of my time to have to examine every inch of every piece of dirty laundry for stains before putting in the washer. I have far better things to do with my time than to scrub at stains with a toothbrush and detergent or an OxiClean solution.
I have enclosed two photographs that illustrate what I am experiencing on a consistent basis.

Photo 2 shows the shirt after coming out of the wash (before drying), and the stains are still there. I then mixed up a solution of OxiClean for pretreating, and scrubbed the spots with a toothbrush dipped in the OxiClean solution until the stains were gone and then washed the shirt again (the stains lifted quite easily using this manual method, by the way). That is THREE washings to get stains out. Can you see why I am upset by this? Not only am I wasting time washing and rewashing clothes, but our clothing is being subjected to an unnecessary amount of wear and tear by being washed so many times.
I live in an area where we have a very reliable, clean, and naturally soft source of water. I have used virtually every High Efficiency detergent on the market, all with equally poor results. I have done my family’s washing for more than 20 years using a traditional top-loading agitator-style washer, and never had results as pathetic as these.
My husband keeps urging me to sell this washer and dryer on Craigslist and put the money toward a traditional top-loading washer and matching dryer. The only thing that is stopping me from doing this is my conscience. I could not sell this set of appliances to anyone and still be able to sleep at night. I would not wish this laundry nightmare on my worst enemy.
So, I am stuck with these lemons…or am I?? I contacted your customer support department at 1-800-243-0000, and aside from the suggestion to use the Water Plus setting (which I was already doing), received no helpful suggestions on what I could do to make my laundry experience using these appliances more acceptable. I was directed to write to this address, which I am doing in the hopes that you will be able to do something more substantial for me. Ideally, I would love to be able to return both the washer and the dryer (which does a really bad job of drying towels and socks; I have to set it on “driest” and still dry the load more than once) for a full refund. At the very least, I expect to hear from someone in your organization who has the authority to make policy decisions in this matter and can offer me some sort of solution. I am sure you appreciate the importance of ensuring customer satisfaction in this age of Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and other social media. I am an active user of all of the aforementioned social media, so rest assured that I will not hesitate to discuss this experience and its outcome with my online communities. I hope, once this matter is resolved, that I can say “LG really listened to my concerns and cares about me as a consumer.”
I look forward to hearing from you soon and learning what LG is willing to do to win me back as a customer.