Yesterday, I had the day off work so I decided to do some things that I haven't had time for lately, or haven't
ever done. One of the places I went was
Cash & Carry, which I had never been to before, despite being in the same town for 15 years. If you aren't familiar with C&C, it is essentially for foodservice industries, but is open to the public with no membership fee. My friend Soozcat calls it Poor Man's Costco. You won't find the breadth of products that you find at Costco, but the prices are amazing!! I was totally blown away. I can't believe I never went there before today!

Here's my haul:
- 18 oz black pepper for $11.35
- 2.2 lb Knorr chicken bouillon for $6.79
- Franz English muffins (10) for $3.57
- Seattle Baking Co. French bread for $2.59
- Two 48-oz. bottles Hershey's syrup for $4.04 each (I resisted temptation and did not get the #10 can)
- 64 oz. Heinz ketchup for $4.63
- 29 oz. Montreal Steak seasoning (best stuff on the planet!) for $8.48.
The bread and muffins were an impulse buy, and probably not the greatest deal, though they were name-brand bakery goods. The spices were a great buy, as was the Hershey's syrup. I had thought the ketchup was a good deal, but I actually bought that same size bottle at Safeway last week for less ($4.19).

The steal of the day, however, was the chicken bouillon powder. I bought the Herb-Ox bouillon last week at Safeway for $3.29 for 4.0 ounces. I'd say 2.2 lb for $6.79 is the better deal! Now, I haven't checked the ingredients to see how similar these products are, but quite honestly bouillon is bouillon. You use the same amount of both brands (1 teaspoon per cup of water). I actually use it quite a bit, as I always put some bouillon in the water when I cook rice. I ran out recently, and fixed plain white rice without adding any bouillon and my kids refused to eat it.
I didn't explore their freezer, meat, dairy, or produce sections very well, as I wasn't going to be going straight home and didn't have a way to keep things cold while I was out, but from what I saw, there are amazing deals to be had there, too.