A friend of mine forwarded an email message that sang the virtues of honey and cinnamon as a universal cure for just about whatever ails you. I won't post the whole message, because I take its claims with a grain of salt (or cinnamon, in this case) because the "authority" cited in the email was an article from "the Weekly World News, a magazine in Canada, in its issue dated 17 January 1995." Sounds like a tabloid to me. But, when I came down with my most recent cold, I thought I'd try one of the remedies. I figured that honey and cinnamon couldn't hurt, so if it helped it would just be a bonus.
For colds, the suggested dose is one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder taken daily for three days. My hubby and both sons also had the same cold, so we all tried it together. My oldest son wouldn't touch it; he could barely choke it down. I found it to be pretty tasty, actually. We called it "gecko mush," because it looked like the concoction we feed to our crestsed gecko.
Hubby, Son #2, and I took it nightly for a little longer than the recommended 3 days. I can't say that it completely cured us, as advertised, but it definitely helped with the coughing and reduced the severity and duration of the cold. What I liked most about this cold remedy was that it was not full of chemicals and processed materials, and that it was very inexpensive compared to cold medicines. We'll definitely keep honey and cinnamon in our medicine cabinet, and I might try a few more of the remedies in the email. If I do, I'll give a report.
Do you have any favorite home remedies?