Thursday, November 13, 2008

25 Quick and Easy Ways to Improve Your Financial Situation

I found this great article online last summer and had saved the link to use as ideas for this blog. However, I am just now getting around to it, and realized that it would be better to give you the link to the entire article, written by Jeffrey Strain, and let you read it all for yourself. He has some great ideas, none of which are terribly time-consuming.

If you try any of these ideas, you'll have to let me know. I've not been terribly successful with calling the phone and cable companies and asking for better rates, and I honestly think that my washing machine doesn't do as good a job in cold water. What really impressed me was his ability to break his soda habit--I'm trying to do that, too, and I am proud to say that I am down to the occasional diet Coke or diet Cherry 7Up. Not only better for my pocketbook, but my teeth and my health as well.